HP Laboratory Technology –
Your expert for high-quality laboratory equipment
Experience since 1979
Quality Made in Germany
Long durability
We are specialists for steam sterilizers, which we have been developing and producing ourselves under the VARIOKLAV® brand for over 40 years. Further, we also offer maintenance and service for all types of equipment. A comprehensive catalog of accessories and consumables rounds off the product range.
Current trade fairs & events
LABSUPPLY Leverkusen
Wednesday, 8th Oktober 2024
Wednesday, 23rd Oktober 2024
Wednesday, 14th November 2024
Varioklav® Blueline
Complete solutions for the safe,
reproducible steam sterilization
Varioklav® Greenline
State-of-the-art touchscreen autoclaves
for laboratory steam sterilization
in proven HP quality
Varioklav® Orangeline
Monitoring-free continuous operation for
Heating, keeping warm and steaming
Varioklav® Medline
Steam sterilizers for highly mobile
medical equipment, laboratory containers
and field hospitals

The HP Labortechnik factory service for
VARIOKLAV® autoclaves and steam sterilizers
We offer you our qualified factory service for every HP Labortechnik VARIOKLAV® steam sterilizer, which is guaranteed not to let you down in an emergency. Unlimited maintenance service for your VARIOKLAV® steam sterilizers: Commissioning, maintenance and repair.
HOTLINE +49 89 30 666 47 – 0
E-mail: service@hp-lab.com
You can reach us:
Monday – Friday 08:00 to 17:00

Our autoclaves are officially recommended by the Robert Koch Institute for steam sterilization of medical devices.
According to §4 of the Medical Devices Operator Ordinance (MPBetreibV), the reprocessing of medical devices should be carried out using suitable validated processes, for example via steam sterilizer according to DIN EN 285 or small steam sterilizer according to DIN 13060. In the development and manufacture of steam sterilizers and the validation of sterilization processes, we comply with the Medical Devices Act (MPG), the Medical Devices Operator Ordinance, the RKI and BfArM recommendations “Hygiene requirements for the reprocessing of medical devices”, DIN EN ISO 14937 and EN ISO 17665 and the European standards for the sterilization of medical devices.
Do you have any questions or comments?
Your personal contact persons Mrs. Brunner or Mr. Haschkamp always have an open ear for you!
State-of-the-art technology –
without investment costs.
With our service offer you as a
Laboratory operator are prepared for anything.

Our customer opinions
We are very satisfied with the factory service from HP Labortechnik.
The staff is very friendly, reliable and competent.
Since reliable sterilization of consumables is absolutely essential for our cell analysis platforms, we rely on VARIOKLAV® steam sterilizers in our everyday laboratory work.